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Up to 100 people die in Ireland each year due to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. Eastern Harps Healthy Club are offering everyone between the ages of 14 and 40 an opportunity to avail of Cardiac Screening in the clubhouse on Sat Oct 21st. The screening will be conducted by" Healthy Heart Healthy Lives" a company that specialises in this field. Registration for all adults and underage, male and female will be in the clubhouse on Friday evening Sept 15th between 7.30 and 8.30 pm. The cost of the screening is 50 euros per person. However, the club are generously subsidizing this programme and will charge 40 euro for adults and 30 euro for students/minors. Payment needs to be made at registration either by cash or Revolut. The Cardiac Screening is open to all people within the community. For any queries please contact Padraig at 086 0691853.